Sending Some Sunshine Gift Basket


Sending Some Sunshine Gift Basket

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If cough drops seem like a practical gift, the Sending Some Sunshine Gift Basket might change your mind. With sweet and savory treats surrounding Halls triple soothing cough drops, this basket is a lot of fun, too, for those getting over colds and flu. Selections include cookies, assorted teas, cashew roca, cocoa, crackers, almonds, and a fruit and nut bar. Gift Basket IncludesAngelina’s butter cookies, Focaccia crisps, Cashew roca, Lemon infused black tea, French vanilla hot cocoa, Natural pineapple chips, Napa Valley mustard nuggets, Tuscan almonds, Fruit and nut bar, English breakfast tea, Halls triple soothing cough drops, Basket Ensure freshness: During warm weather, we highly recommend selecting “”Next Day”” or “”2 Day”” shipping at checkout. We can guarantee proper delivery of chocolates and perishable goods only if one of these delivery options is chosen. After all, you selected chocolates, not chocolate sauce. Also, please note that to avoid spoilage, some perishables may be replaced with items of comparable value and deliciousness.Please note that for this item, the following services are available during the checkout process:Multiple Ship-To, which allows you to send gifts to several recipients with a single order.Future Delivery, which lets you select a specific date for delivery, so your gift arrives at the perfect time.

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